The dreaded crepey skin…what is it and how to reduce the appearance of it?
Hydrated skin is dewy and has the appearance of younger skin. Dry, dehydrated skin has the look of older skin regardless of your age.
As I have shared before our skin is made up of many layers and the top layer of the epidermis (stratum corneum) has cell turn over every 27-40 days. If these dead skin cells are not exfoliated properly off they will build up on the epidermal layer (top layer) of the skin. They will create a barrier where hydrating ingredients will not be able to penetrate through to hydrate and stimulate collagen production.
Over time the skin will appear dry, dull and eventually loose elasticity. Crepey skin will be its reality.
How to avoid and repair crepey skin?
Exfoliate the skin daily on the entire body with chemical exfoliating ingredients of Alpha Hydroxy Fruit Acids and mechanical exfoliating ingredients of Dead Sea Salts and Sugar Scrubs.
A series of Professional Full body Glycolic Peels beginning with a Full Body Scrub monthly will create an amazing change to the skin.
If this home care application and professional program is done daily and monthly your skin will maintain a hydrated, firmer appearance.A true tool in combating the dreaded aging appearance of Crepey Skin!Be Blessed,