
Novita Spa Clinicals Blog

Age Management…With The Ya Ya’s In Pawleys Island South Carolina

Oct 6, 2015 | Life Events

Megan and her Ya Ya's
There is no greater lift to the soul and the heart then to be with “Old” Girlfriends. As the saying goes, “Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver but the other is gold!!”

Several weeks ago I had the blessing to spend two and half days of pure bliss, reminiscing, having crazy fun, shopping, eating, drinking a lot of wine, and taking walks on the beach with my Ya Ya’s. We all became friends 40 years ago when we were 20-somethings in Ridgefield, Connecticut. We were all young wives and mothers just beginning our adult lives. The history is too long to mention here, but needless to say we have shared much joy and sorrow together.

The heart is a funny thing. We were transported to 40 years ago sitting at the pool together at Lakeside, watching our children swim (not using sun protection at all)! The tanner the better. Not knowing then what damage we were causing.

Megan and her Ya Ya's

I have shared a few photos of all of us here, on the beach at The Sea View Inn on Pawleys Island, South Carolina! You will recognize me with the “Flying Nun” hat on and all covered up. I am serious “now” as you know, about sun protection!

Megan and her Ya Ya'sNovita Spa’s Mineral Cosmetics, which are SPF 26 and 30, are water resistant and chock full of result-oriented skin care ingredients. They are a great tool in your “Age Management” arsenal!

But, the Greatest Age Management application is Love!

To you My Ya Ya’s! Thank you!  Cheers To Age Management…and to “Old Friends”!

Be Blessed,

