
Novita Spa Clinicals Blog


Mar 21, 2020 | Uncategorized

Just like so many businesses the world over, I have had to take the best course of action for all during this unprecedented time.

This week so many guests have said “thank you for being open!” Novita Spa is a sanctuary for all!

We hope we will continue to be that for all without our doors being open on 7th Street on the Georgetown, Texas Square, through the 5th of April.


If all goes well we will reopen for services on Monday April 6th!

In these unusual days, I believe more than ever we need connection and a sanctuary. Novita Spa and myself will try to bring just that to you.

Let’s Connect!

Join me on Facebook where I will be doing my FB lives daily for you.
I will be live daily at 11:30 am.

  • Monday: Motivation Monday…A special quote and message for the week
  • Tuesday: Hope & Possibilities POP UP SHOP.
  • Wednesday: Totally You Today..A conversation with you.. ask your questions
  • Thursday: A Spa in a Box. Demonstrating home treatments for you!
  • Friday: Facetime Fridays
  • Saturday: Sensational Saturday Surprise
  • Sunday: Sunday is God’s Day

We are here for you!

Purchase Your Gift Cards for ALL Occasions!!

The sun will come out tomorrow…Birthdays, anniversaries and special occasions still occur daily and Novita Spa can fulfill your gift giving needs. You can purchase gifts 24 hrs online at novitaspa.com. You can purchase all services, packages and or a dollar amount for gifts for your special someone with a gift card from Novita Spa. There are special gift card templates for all occasions!! Presto chango…It will be emailed immediately to your special someone! You won’t miss that special occasion.

PS…Purchase a Spa service and package for you! You will be ready for when we re open the Spa April 6th.

Novita Spa Clinical Products!!

A woman walked into the Novita Spa and Medical Rejuvenation Clinics’s Boutique this week and said “Everyone is stockpiling toilet paper, I am going to stock pile the Novita Spa Clinical products!!”

For the next 2 weeks you can not purchase them in the Boutique at the Novita Spa, BUT, you can purchase ALL the products on novitaspa.com or on Amazon!!

Your Eyes, Hands and Nails show it all!!

As I said above I will be sharing treatments on my FB lives..treatment demos and product knowledge. This will include treatments for your eyes and hands!

We have your Nails “COVERED” too with Color Street Nail Polish Strips! You have to see them to believe them!! I will be doing demos for them on my FB lives too.

Go to my Color Street website to see ALL the amazing colors and designs at

It is also a great side hustle business opportunity for you. I will share about that too!

You can purchase the Color Street Nail Polish strips at

Nail salons are closed too. Color Street Nail Polish Strips will save the day!

Lastly, as you are home and have some time, I would like to invite you to read my story in my book “Hope and Possibilities…Just Over the Horizon..It’s Never Too Early Or Too Late To Create The Life Of Your Dreams”

You can purchase it on Amazon!

“If there is Hope in the Future There Is Power In Today” Zig Ziglar

I am here for you today.and everyday! I will be at the Spa everyday in the AM doing my FB lives and I will be retrieving messages. I would be delighted to call you back if you leave a message. I will answer any question you have on services, products and to set up your April appointments.

Remember there are hidden possibilities in times of challenge. There is always hope and infinite possibilities just over the horizon. Jeremiah 29:11

I love you and am so grateful for you.

Be healthy, be safe…be blessed,

