Worth and Value….
In the NY Times Best Selling book, The Go Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann, they share a wonderful story, utilizing their 5 Laws of Stratospheric Success.
According to the book, success is not based on money and the amount of payments received.
It is based on….Worth and Value????
Law #1
Your true WORTH is determined by how much more you GIVE in VALUE, than you take in payment.
Is giving with out the expectation of what you will get from your actions.
Giving is from the heart.????
Your worth is priceless. The sky’s the limit….
Give to yourself-self care
Give to others- thought fullness
Give for the Glory of God….Love
During this Holy Week remember that God gave his only begotten son. The true gift of giving and supreme value to mankind John 3-16
Be blessed my friends.