
Novita Spa Clinicals Blog

Totally You Today: Rise Above the Storm

Apr 3, 2020 | Uncategorized


Today was #TotallyYouToday.. and it was a joy to share with you!!????

The quote for the week “Rise above the Storm and You Will Find the Sunshine,” so resonates with me.

Go with in and find and walk in your purpose. Then you will find the sunshine.

I shared about the morning after my husband passed away and how God gave me a directive. He knows that my purpose is to be an encourager. To share hope and possibilities.

He is always speaking. You just have to listen for his still small voice in your spirit. ????

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, God’s gift to us is today..that’s why they call us the Present.” Everyday is a gift.

Seek the possibilities of each day not the predictability…then you will find the sunshine

There is Always..Hope and Possibilities.. Just Over the Horizon????????

Be blessed,
